Hewlett Packard 5082-7010 Numerical LED Clock Soldering Kit


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We believe that the Hewlett Packard 5082-7010 numerical display was the second generation of the world’s first smart numerical LED display. It’s an exceptionally beautiful chip because the logic die, LED dies, and wire bonds are neatly concealed and plainly visible under a tiny glass cover! These displays are still available on eBay and we’ve developed this clock for them. The clock uses 7400 and 4000 series digital logic to keep the time. The circuit is the same as our VFD clock timekeeping circuit, but simpler because these displays use the 4 bit binary coded decimal directly from the 74LS90 counters without a 7 segment decoder chip. Requires a micro USB power supply, solder and a soldering iron. 5082-7010 displays are NOT included. There is one eBay seller, Patkor in Poland that has the best deal (and a good stock) of these displays.


Stock is very limited. Available with or without displays.

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With Displays, Black, With Displays Green, Without displays Black, Without Displays Green

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